Protect Yourself

Protect Yourself

Damaged explore how emotion, pain, trauma can transform us. Their aim is to normalise these experiences and let people know they are not alone.

Damaged is a Dublin based brand, started in July 2019, exploring various ideas related to emotion, pain, trauma and how they can transform us. These ideas are expressed on pieces using graphics, colours, material and design. The core idea is centred on the fact that we all experience tough times in some form in our lifetime.


Their first drop is called "Protect Yourself", based around a heart graphic with a shutdown switch attached on to it. The Protect Yourself drop presents a simple, yet relatable experience the majority of people have in their life, that of heart break. The pictures from this shoot, on the Instagram and the website, are ordered to tell a tragedy. An affectionate relationship (Stage 1) that encountered severe conflict (Stage 2), leaving the male protagonist in isolation (Stage 3). The violent portrayal of female provokes questions. Was this relationship worth it? What could have happened that made this situation so terrible? Could this all of been avoided if the male had "shut down" his feelings before things went anywhere? Or would such a suppression of feelings have led to a worse feeling of heart break from regret? In the end the male is shown on his own, losing his mind on the streets.

The 6-piece drop includes embroidered workpants and a customized one of one skate deck that Damaged recently did a giveaway for. All remaining pieces can be found on their site,

The full narrative can be found on their Instagram @damaged.dublin

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